Code of Conduct

The Starfish code of conduct and good practice has been drawn up in line with ASA Wavepowerguidelines. The aim of the code is to outline for all club members and others involved with the club what is acceptable behaviour and how to promote good practice.

Starfish will:

  1. Ensure that all members comply with the ASA Code of Ethics available at
  2. Adhere to the ASA safeguarding policy and procedures in Wavepower.
  3. Ensure appropriate/expected standards of behaviour at all times from coaches, teachers, volunteers, officials and helpers who have significant contact with members who are under 18.
  4. Encourage all personnel in the Club involved directly with members and children to undertake suitable training.
  5. Provide guidance of the expected and acceptable behaviour of members towards others (see below).
  6. Provide non-violent, non-humiliating disciplinary measures, and a Disciplinary Procedure that complies with the ASA guidelines.
  7. Promote an informed and aware atmosphere in which members are listened to and respected as individuals.
  8. Not allow bullying, humiliating behaviour, racist or sexist comments within the club.
  9. Not allow any physically rough or sexually provocative games, or inappropriate talking or touching by anyone
  10. For galas and other events, ensure, in so far as is possible, that mixed teams are accompanied by male and female coaches, teachers, volunteers and parents as required.

Starfish will promote good conduct and behaviour in staff, swimmers, volunteers, parents and carers based upon the following guidelines which outlines the responsibilities of all involved with the club. It is expected that the principles of the code of conduct will be followed at all times including training sessions, competitions etc.:

  1. Behaviour and personal conduct must at all times be of a high standard and reflect favourably on the club.  Language in public or relevant group situations must be appropriate and socially acceptable.
  2. Parents and swimmersshould discuss any queries with coaching staff at a suitable opportunity after, and not during, a coaching session.
  3. The involvement of swimmers and others in external galas and events will be governed by this code of conduct and team kit and equipment will be worn as directed by the Team Manager.
  4. Alcohol is forbidden to members and others under age as defined by UK law. Unless provided lawfully as part of a Club social event, it must not be consumed by members or others involved in Club activity.
  5. Smoking is forbidden to members and others under age as defined by UK law. Unless part of a Club social event and allowed by UK law, smoking by members or others involved in Club activity is forbidden.
  6. Illegal and/or performance enhancing drugs / substances are strictly forbidden. Whilst some may not appear on the banned list, they remain prohibited in line with ASA Guidelines.
  7. Accidents/incidents occurring in or around the pool before, during or after training, galas or other events will be noted in the venue’s accident book, in case of further action being taken.
  8. Sanctions of the Code of Conduct will be dealt with in the first instance by the Club official on hand. The incident shall be reported to the Club Secretary and/or Welfare Officer to handle as appropriate on behalf of the Club.
  9. Volunteers must not escort children to the toilets, even if requested to do so by a parent.  The parent/carer must be responsible for escorting the child to the toilet.
  10. In addition to the above, it is expected that all members and others involved with the Club when attending any Club activity:
  • Comply with and not encourage violation of the Club codes, policies and rules,ASA Wavepower and all ASA policies and procedures.
  • Respect the basic rights, dignity and worth of each member of the club, and all other competitors/swimmers.
  • Observe the authority and decisions of all officials.
  • Treat other competitors and teams with respect, in victory and in defeat.