July 2021
St Piran’s swim session
Hi All On 12th June and 17th July we cannot use the Braywick pool and have booked the St. Pirans School pool, located at: Gringer Hill, Maidenhead, SL6 7LZ (the entrance is in-between 2 speed cameras on Gringer Hill). As normal we will run 2 sessions due to the smaller pool size: Session 1 - 17.00-17.40 for Assisted Swimmers - those requiring support in the pool and who are not independent lane swimmers. Session 2 - 17.40-18.30 for Unassisted Swimmers…
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October 2021
Braywick swim session
Dear All Firstly, we hope that you are all well. I'm aware that some people are not included on this email - If you know of anyone who is not included, please forward this email to them & cc me to add them in future - thank you. Please see the latest calendar v8 (attached to email sent) . Club update is below - please read all. Please note that this coming Saturday 16 October, there is a gala at Braywick and…
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