Club Safeguarding Policy
Windsor and Maidenhead Starfish SC has a duty of care to safeguard from harm all our members below the age of 18 (children) who are involved with the club. Starfish will adhere to Wavepower 2020-2023: Swim England Child Safeguarding Policies and Procedures in all circumstances.
Starfish’s Policies and Rules aim to promote good practice:
- Providing members and children with appropriate safety and protection whilst in the care of Starfish;
- Allowing all staff and volunteers to make informed responses to specific safeguarding issues;
- By following Wavepower 2020-2023: Swim England Child Safeguarding Policies and Procedures.
To view Swim England’s Wavepower 2020-2023, go to
The underlying principles of the Club are built upon the following:
- The welfare of children is the first consideration.
- All members including children have a right to be protected from abuse irrespective of age, gender, race, religion, sexual identity or disability.
- Members including children should be treated with respect, dignity and integrity